PSY School is an online school specialising on tutoring coaches and anyone interested in Neuro-linguistic programming, hypnosis and other self development techniques. The school provides group and personalised individual sessions.

We focused on two main areas of symbolism - Education and Psychology during the exploration phase.

After analysing the brand identities of the competitors we have decided to exclude such complex and cliche symbols for Psychology as 'brain' and 'mind' and to focus on a more abstract symbol - letter Psi. I have presented three main design concepts implementing these symbols to the client.

The three options represent three different styles that are commonly used in the industry.
1. Modern and geometric (used commonly by tech, online schools)
2. Traditional and heraldic (used commonly by universities and schools with a more academic positioning)
3. A middle ground - a minimal and modern icon, but with classic and elegant shapes and typography.

After a review with the client we agreed that the third option strikes the perfect balance between presenting the school as an established academic institution and a flexible state-of-the-art online platform.